RE: [-empyre-] galleries & establishments


-----Original Message-----
From: Melinda Rackham
Sent: 7/5/02 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: [-empyre-] galleries & establishments

Recently i had a hideous experience where the Museum in Hobart let my
immersive VRML installation remain "broken" for the whole exhibition
period because their technical person did not install the specified pluggin
which was included with all the and installation instructions i sent them,
and they didnt contact me to ask how to do it. Even worse was that when
another artist who i know , who worked in the same media as me, who was at
the location,  offered to do it  - the museum refused her, saying thier
technical people would deal with it..(which of course they didn't) i didnt
know this till after the show had finished.. the really simple soultion that
would have taken 5minutes to fix caused my work to look liek its crap.. and
it puts off audiences for new media becasue the work can't be seen..

Typical scenario... one of the crucial issues is the lack of tech support
which is absolutely needed. I don't even want to do a show anymore if I
don't have the budget for someone who will maintain the show on a permanent
basis. At the Whiteny, the IT staff took care of it and I'm very thankful to
them -- but it's not their job... Very often nobody notices that something
is wrong with a piece because they simply don't know what it's supposed to
do and look like. I wanted to do an "info session" for the guards, so they
would know how things were supposed to work and could call IT when something
went wrong. It didn't work out because the guards would have had to leave
their positions to listen to my talk (not possible) and of course, noone
wants to pay overtime to allow them to attend a presentation on net art.

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